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Depends on About

There are lots of introductory books on operating systems; searching on-line – or even visiting the library! – might help. Remember, too, that the School holds some local library copies of some ‘core’ books.

Andrew S Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos: ‘[ Modern Operating Systems: Global Edition, 4/E]’ ISBN-10: 1292061421 • ISBN-13: 9781292061429 ©2015 • Pearson Higher Education • Paper, 1136 pp. Published 18 Sep 2014

Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne: ‘Operating Systems Concepts with Java: 8th Edition’ ISBN-10: 0470398795 • ISBN-13: 978-0470398791 2010 • John Wiley & Sons • 924 pp. This book is available to read online for students of this module.


Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne: ‘Operating System Concepts, 9th Edition’ John Wiley & Sons Basically the same as ‘with Java’ – with examples in C.

William Stallings: ‘Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 9th Edition’ Pearson 2018

Suggestions? Reviews?

If you find a book (or other resource) which you believe others might find useful, let us know. We can add it here.

General interest

Ross J. Anderson: ‘Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, 2nd Edition’ April 2008 • John Wiley & Sons • 1080 pages • ISBN: 978-0-470-06852-6 Available on-line

Allen B. Downey: ‘The Little Book of Semaphores’ 2016; Green Tea Press; 291 pages Available on-line