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Revision as of 12:46, 26 July 2019

On path: Exercises 0: Exercises • 1: Pointer Exercise • 2: Arguments Exercise • 3: Malloc Exercise • 4: Structs Exercise • 5: Processes Exercise • 6: Shared memory Exercise • 7: Pipes Exercise • 8: Exceptions Exercise • 9: Synchronisation Exercise • 10: Files Exercise • 11: Threads Exercise • 12: Unix proc Exercise

This is a list of optional ‘programming’ exercises which are included in this website. They are not assessed (anymore), but feel free to mess around with the code/instructions we provide to help you understand the topics.

Number Exercise Dependencies
1 Addressing in C None
2 Command line arguments 1
3 Memory allocation (1)
4 Structures 1,3
5 Processes None
6 Shared memory 1,5
7 Pipes/communication 5
8 Software Exceptions 1,(2,4)
9 Synchronisation 1,2,5,8
10 File Operations 1,3,4
11 Java threads ???
12 System configuration Lots!