Difference between revisions of "Extra:Privacy Policy"

From COMP15212 Wiki
gravatar W81054ch [userbureaucratinterface-adminsysopPHRhYmxlIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwIj48dHI+PHRkIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwLWVudHJ5dGl0bGUiPkdyb3Vwczo8L3RkPjx0ZD51c2VyPGJyIC8+YnVyZWF1Y3JhdDxiciAvPmludGVyZmFjZS1hZG1pbjxiciAvPnN5c29wPGJyIC8+PC90ZD48L3RyPjwvdGFibGU+] (talk | contribs)
m (1 revision imported)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 10:38, 28 August 2019

Cookies are used, as is standard for every MediaWiki installation, to retain your current login session, as well as your user ID and username. No additional cookies are used.

Additionally, a map of all the pages in the wiki is stored locally. This data is never sent back to the server, and is therefore never used to identify the user.

Members of the University of Manchester can log into this site to make the full set of features available. When doing this some data is stored, associated with each user. This comprises the ratings of the various articles, as submitted by you, as well as several tags, which you may set at the top of each page. In addition, every page visit is tracked. These contain timestamps so you can get a personalised view of your progress through the course material.

This data is used to annotate your personal view of the site to aid navigation, progress revision etc. and is visible to you only when you are logged in.

This information will be deleted at the end of the academic year. You may delete this data any time by:

  1. Deleting your Mediawiki account (this will not affect your University account)
  2. Going to Special:Profile and clicking the button to delete all data

In addition, digests of the data are available to the module staff (only) and can be used to identify:

  • articles which may be generally unclear, so they can be improved
  • students flagging multiple misunderstandings so that extra assistance can be offered

None of this data is exported or made available outside this module. No one outside the University is involved.

You should be familiar with the University data protection information.