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Article list page

Listing Articles

At the top right of the Compose and Edit pages, just to the left of your name, you will see the Article List button Newsagent ArticleList Btn.png. Clicking on this button will take your to the list of articles you have access to edit (generally your own articles, unless you have elevated privileges in the system, in which case you may see articles written by other users). You will also be taken to your article list page after composing articles or editing them.


The article list does not display all articles available to you at once; this would make the list unwieldy to look through, slow to generate, and generally lousy to use. Two forms of limiting and filtering are applied to the list of articles:

Month selection

Newsagent ArticleList Calendar.png

The article list only shows articles posted in the currently selected month. The currently selected month is shown in the box at the top left of the article list itself. You can move to the next or previous months by clicking the blue arrows on either side of the month box, and you can jump to a specific month in any year by clicking in the month box and selecting a month in the calendar that pops up.


Newsagent ArticleList Pages.png

If there have been more articles published in the selected month than will fit on one article list page, the navigation buttons at the bottom right of the Article List page will become active. Articles shown in the list are in reverse chronological order, clicking on the Older button will take you to pages containing successively older articles, while Newer will take you closer to the present.

Status and Feed filtering

Newsagent ArticleList Filters.png

Despite the fact that the article list will only show articles from a selected month, the list of articles may span multiple pages. The article list page includes a number of dropdown lists that allow you to further restrict the articles included in the list:

  • The Status dropdown allows you to show or hide articles based on their status (as described below). When you open the dropdown you will see a number of checkboxes, one for each available state. If the checkbox for a state is ticked, articles in that state are shown in the list, while articles in states that are not ticked are excluded from the list.
  • The Show feeds dropdown allows you to limit the article list to articles that have been published in selected feeds. When you open the dropdown you will see checkboxes for each feed[1]. Ticking a checkbox in the dropdown will limit the articles shown in the list to articles that have been published in that feed. You can tick multiple feed checkboxes to show articles that have been published in any of the ticked feeds.

When you enable any filters a "Remove filtering" Newsagent ArticleList Reset.png button will appear to the right of each dropdown. Clicking on that button will disable the filter and update the article list to show articles that the filter was excluding (or hide ones the filter had included).

Article Columns

The article list is actually a table: each row in the table corresponds to an individual article, and the table is divided into a number of columns:


At the left side of each row you will see an icon indicating that article's release status, and if you hover your mouse over the icon you will see a short description of the state. The following states are currently visible in the article list:

  • Newsagent Status Visible.png Released immediately. Articles in this state are currently visible in the feed they were added to.
  • Newsagent Status Invisible.png Hidden (not currently published). Articles in this state are not visible in the feed they were added to, but they can be made visible again by clicking on the Publish this article immediately option described below.
  • Newsagent Status Edited.png Edited (not publicly visible). When you edit an article, the previous version is marked as 'Edited' and is no longer visible in the feed the article was added to. Previous versions of edited articles are retained by the system for reference.
  • Newsagent Status Draft.png Draft article (never released) indicates that the article is a draft, saved as a work-in-progress in the system for later editing and publishing. Draft articles are never visible in the feed they are added to.
  • Newsagent Status TimedP.png Waiting for timed release. Articles in this state are not current visible in the feed they were added to, but will automatically become visible once the release time and date set for the article have passed.
  • Newsagent Status TimedR.png Released after timed release indicates that the time and date set for the release of this article have passed, and it is now visible in the feed.
  • Newsagent Status Template.png Template. Template articles are not normally shown in the article list; to see them you must enable "Templates" in the Status filter dropdown.
  • Newsagent Status NLNext.png Released in next newsletter indicates that the article will be released in the next issue of the newsletter it has been added to.
  • Newsagent Status NLTimed.png Released after <date>. An articles in this state is a time-delayed newsletter article; it will be published in the next issue of the newsletter it has been added to after the date shown.
  • Newsagent Status Used.png Used in newsletter indicates that the article has been published in a newsletter. Articles in this state are not normally shown in the article list, you can make them appear by enabling "Used in newsletter" in the Status filter dropdown.
  • Newsagent Status Deleted.png Deleted. Articles in this state are generally only visible immediately after deleting them; they will not normally appear in the Article List. Deleted articles can not be restored or edited.

Publication path

The next column shows where the article will be published. This can either be

  • The feed or feeds the article is - or will be- published in.
  • The details of the newsletter the article has been added to.

If an article was published in more than three feeds, the article list will 'fold up' the list of feeds the article has been published in: it will show the first two feed names and a N more... message indicating that the article has been published in an additional N feeds. If you want to see the full list of feeds an article has been published in, move your mouse over the list of feeds for the article and it will unfold the full list.

If an article has been added to a newsletter, the name of the newsletter, and the section of the newsletter the article has been added to (or was published in) are shown instead.

Article information

The third column contains the article's information: its subject, author, when it was created or updated, and the status of any notifications set up for the article. Clicking on the article title will take you to the edit page for that article. Hovering your mouse over any of the times in the information will show a tooltip containing the exact time:

Newsagent ArticleList Time.png


The fourth column of the article list is invisible until you move your mouse over a row in the list. When you do this, a number of options appear at the right side of the page that allow you to modify the article in various ways. The available options will vary depending upon the state the article is in, but the possible options are:

  • Newsagent Status Edited.png Edit this article is essentially the same as clicking on the article's title in the list: it takes you to the edit page for the article. N.B. if you edit an article with notifications after those notifications have been sent, the edit page will not include the notification settings applied to the original article. This is to prevent unintentional re-sending of notifications when articles are edited.
  • Newsagent Control Clone.png Clone this article will create an exact duplicate of the article, including any notification settings (even if those notifications have been sent) or newsletter settings, and open the edit page where you can make any required changes.
  • Newsagent Status Invisible.png Unpublish (hide) this article hides the article so that it will not appear in any of its feeds. To make it visible again, use the Publish this article immediately option. Note that, if the article is set for timed release, clicking this option will cancel the time release: the article will not be made visible when the time delay expires, and it must be manually revealed with the Publish this article immediately option.
  • Newsagent Status Visible.png Publish this article immediately make a currently invisible article appear in its feed. If the article is set for timed release, clicking this will override the delay and publish the article immediately.
  • Newsagent Status Deleted.png Delete this article marks the article as deleted. If you click this, the article will not appear in the feed and can no longer be edited or viewed. Articles may be "un-deleted", but doing so requires direct access to the article information in the database.
  1. Feeds will only appear in the "Show feeds" list when one or more articles you have access to edit have been published in the feed in the current month.


  • gravatar Mbasscp2 [userbureaucratcomp23420editorhandbook-editinterface-adminlabhelpstaff-editsysopPHRhYmxlIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwIj48dHI+PHRkIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwLWVudHJ5dGl0bGUiPkdyb3Vwczo8L3RkPjx0ZD51c2VyPGJyIC8+YnVyZWF1Y3JhdDxiciAvPmNvbXAyMzQyMDxiciAvPmVkaXRvcjxiciAvPmhhbmRib29rLWVkaXQ8YnIgLz5pbnRlcmZhY2UtYWRtaW48YnIgLz5sYWJoZWxwPGJyIC8+c3RhZmYtZWRpdDxiciAvPnN5c29wPGJyIC8+PC90ZD48L3RyPjwvdGFibGU+]