Newsagent/Feed List

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URL Newsagent
Feed List page

The Feed List page is the "Front" page of Newsagent: it shows the list of all feeds currently available in the Newsagent system, links to individual RSS feeds for each Newsagent feed, and it provides tools to construct a single RSS feed containing information drawn from multiple Newsagent feeds.

You can return to the Feed List page from anywhere in the system by clicking the Newsagent FrontBtn.png icon at the left side of the menu bar.

The Feeds List page shows the list of available feeds in a table occupying most of the page. To the right of each feed name you will see a RSS feed icon (Feed-icon-14x14.png) and a checkbox. Clicking on the feed icon will give you the URL of the feed with the default options enabled.

If you want to customise the options used when querying the feed, you can click the checkbox for one or more feeds, and then use the controls in the Create Feed URL box to generate a feed URL with the options you choose. The generated feed URL is shown in the Feed URL: box at the bottom of the box.

Note that you can select a single feed to just get the articles published in that one feed, or you can select multiple feeds to create a compound RSS feed including all articles published in the selected feeds.

Once the internal feed and article viewer facilities are available, the Newsagent feeds listed in the Available Newsagent Feeds list will take the form of links to the Newsagent feed view pages.

The "Create Feed URL" box

The Create Feed URL box contains controls that allow you to tailor an RSS feed to include articles from any number of Newsagent feeds. The box contains many of the options described in the Syndicate page, and the URL of the RSS feed with the selected settings is shown in the Feed URL: field.

In its initial state, the Feed URL field shows the URL of an RSS feed that contains the 10 most recently published articles across all Newsagent feeds. By clicking the checkboxes next to feeds in the Available Newsagent Feeds list you can constrain the RSS feed to only contain articles published in the selected feeds.

The options in the Create Feed URL box allow you to further constrain the articles included in the RSS feed:

  • You may select one or more visibility levels. If you select any visibility levels then the RSS feed will only include articles published at one of the selected visibility levels in one or more of the selected Newsagent feeds (or in any Newsagent feed if none are explicitly selected).
  • You may instruct the RSS feed generator to include the full article text. You may select from a variety of formats, and optionally instruct the RSS feed generator to show the full text in the <description> element for each RSS item rather than as a separate custom element (see the RSS elements and Feed options documentation for information)
  • The number of items included in the feed can be adjusted (the count must be in the range 1 to 100).
  • You can override the normal rules for determining which full article viewer URL to use, and instruct the RSS feed generator to always include a link to the internal Newsagent article viewer instead.

Feed Subscription

Feed subscription allows users to sign up to receive daily email digests of articles published in the feeds they subscribe to. The digests contain all articles that have been added to the subscribed feeds since the last time a digest was sent to the user, regardless of the visibility levels set on the articles: if the article has been published in a feed the user subscribed to, they will see it in their digest message.

It is important to note that the feed subscription mechanism is independent of, and supplementary to, the article notifications system. Users may subscribe to any Newsagent feed, and will receive digests of articles posted in their selected feeds regardless of any notification settings the article author may set. In addition, users may potentially receive the same article twice: once directly via a notification message, and then again in a daily subscription digest.

To subscribe to one or more feeds, simply tick the appropriate checkboxes in the "Available Newsagent Feeds" list to select the feeds, and then click on "Subscribe" to enable your subscription to those feeds. Logged-in users may optionally provide an alternative email address to send the digest messages to, rather than the email address associated with their Newsagent account. Users who are not logged in must provide an email address to send digests to. To prevent abuse, if an email address is entered, an activation code is sent to the email address you set, along with instructions that must be followed to activate the subscription. If you set up a subscription for your account without an alternate email address, the subscription is activated immediately.

To manage your subscription, click on the "Manage" button. For information about feed subscription management, see the Feed Subscription.

Access control

Newsagent LoginPopup.png

The Feed List page does not require a login and it can be accessed by anyone from any internet connected device.

If you are already logged into Newsagent, you will see the standard "Add an article" and "Article list" buttons in the menu bar at the top of the page if you have access to use them. Clicking on these will take you to the corresponding Compose and Article List pages.

If you access the Feed List page over https: and you are not logged in, moving your mouse over the "Log in" option at the top right of the page will pop up a box that will allow you to log into the system.

If you access the Feed List page over http: and are not logged in, you will not get a login popup for security reasons: instead you must click the "Log in" button to be taken to the login form.


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  • gravatar Mfsxfpw2 [userPHRhYmxlIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwIj48dHI+PHRkIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwLWVudHJ5dGl0bGUiPkdyb3Vwczo8L3RkPjx0ZD51c2VyPGJyIC8+PC90ZD48L3RyPjwvdGFibGU+]