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Showing 20 pages using this property.
:Every process has some <b>metadata</b> holding information such as its priority, which is stored in an OS-created structure, typically called a “Process Control Block”. This may also be used to hold some context - such as register values - when the process is not running.   +
A 'classic' hacker attack as an example of a security 'hole'.  +
A 'classic' illustration of deadlocks.  +
A 'simple' parallel processing model where several execution paths are followed simultaneously. This may use multiple processors or may be simulated on a single processor. In all cases there are potential problems as, sometimes, the <i>order</i> operations happen in can vary arbitrarily.  +
A (usually) software means of guaranteeing <i>atomicity</i> of a code sequence.  +
A Memory Management Unit is the hardware which facilitates memory management, alleviating software of the (enormous) cost of checking every load or store for validity in software.  +
A Translation Look-aside Buffer is a hardware-controlled cache of page translations.  +
A Unix approach, attempting to make devices (etc.) all have much the same set of interfaces.  +
A Unix term for a blocked process.  +
A bit more about queuing strategies.  +
A brief description of the way RAM is (often) made in a hierarchy, to improve average access speed.  +
A collection of user-level abstractions of operating system facilities.  +
A computer <b>operator</b> with greater (software defined) access privileges than ordinary users.  +
IO +
A computer communicates with outside world through input/output devices. This article gives an overview of the I/O system.  +
A contemporary mechanism for implementing virtual machines.  +
A fault whereby memory - a valuable resource - is claimed and then forgotten about, thus, typically, causing an application to request more and more of this resource.  +
A file system can use different storage 'devices' including remote, networked machines.  +
A filing system is a place to keep all the information the computer may want but is not in current use. It can involve a variety of both software and hardware technologies.  +
A flag indicating that a cache has been modified and (temporarily) holds the definitive copy of some data.  +
A general heading for the various facilities - memory, time, I/O devices etc. - which a computer has. An OS typically tries to allocate and ration these to provide the best overall performance, often amongst many concurrent processes.  +