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Bennett is currently only available on Linux. The current supported distributions for Linux are Ubuntu, version 20.04 onwards.

MacOS and Windows users will have to use virtualisation software such as Parallels or Virtual Box to run the software on their Windows/Mac computer.

M1/M2 Macs will not support the required virtualisation software, and so Bennett will be unavailable to run on these devices. Please make use of a Kilburn lab machine in this case.

Features available

Currently, only the ARM Emulator is supported in this package of Bennett.

Dependencies for using Bennett with MU0/STUMP FPGA boards are not included, and so won't run on a home computer.

Computer Science lab machines contain all the required software and libraries, and Bennett can be run from lab computers for interacting with FPGA boards.

  1. Numbered list item

High Dpi Displays

For using Bennett on a high DPI display, the following commands can be run before launching Bennett:


or for a larger window


So for example


bennett -m "ARM Emulator"

Downloading Links

Downloads for Bennett packages
Linux Distribution Download Link
Ubuntu 20.04 click for Ubuntu 20.04 download
Ubuntu 22.04 click for Ubuntu 22.04 download

Installing Bennett on Ubuntu 20.04

  1. Download appropriate Bennett package from the above section
  2. Open a terminal window
  3. Change to the directory containing the downloaded file, for example

    cd ~/Downloads

  4. run the following command

    sudo apt install ./THE_FILE_YOU_JUST_DOWNLOADED.deb

  5. a specific example at this time is

    sudo apt install ./Bennett_0.9.0.1_amd64.deb

  6. When prompted to install packages, enter 'y'
  7. Once install is completed run bennett with the command

    bennett -m "ARM Emulator"

If the installation process has gone well, you should now have Bennett on your screen.

Uninstalling Bennett

To uninstall Bennett if installed with either of the above two packages, run the following command:

dpkg -r bennett

Technical support

Support for using Bennett is available by contacting

For bugs,issues and difficulty with installation you should contact support via the given email.

Academic support should be requested from the channels specified by your course unit leader.

ARCH Linux Systems

ARCH Linux systems are officially unsupported. However Alex Gallon has created a currently working PKGBUILD script that may be of interest to student's using ARCH Linux.

This script will download the current ( version of Bennett and install. Future editions of Bennett will require this PKGBUILD script to update.

pkgdesc='UoM ARM emulator'

package() {
  depends=('qt5-base' 'qt5-declarative' 'capstone')
  optdepends=('qt5-serialport: support for "MU0Board" module'
              'digilent.adept.runtime: support for "STUMP Lab Board" module')
  tar -xf ${srcdir}/data.tar.zst -C ${pkgdir}/

  # Silence directory permission warnings. These directories are 775 in the `.deb`, but most
  # systems (should) use 755 for them.
  chmod 755 ${pkgdir}/opt ${pkgdir}/usr ${pkgdir}/usr/bin


Varanus bennetti

Varanus bennetti is a species of monitor lizard with the common name "Bennett's long-tailed monitor". The lizard was named in commemoration of north-west born, multi award-winning biologist Daniel Bennett who had a life-long commitment to the study and conservation of monitor lizards.


File Formats


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