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- Legacy Information - This wiki is a repository for information useful to staff in CS; it is a community resource, please feel free to contribute.
Pages available on the CS Staff wiki include. You may also find General CS wiki for both staff and students of interest.
Departmental procedures and links to School/Faculty/University Procedures
- Induction for new staff
- Building Access (for Kilburn and IT Buildings) for all staff
- Performance & development reviews for academic and research Staff
- Probation Process and Documentation for academic staff
- Promotion Process and Documentation for academic staff, incl. Reward for Exceptional Performance for all staff
- Estates, environment, etc. who to contact around estates, infrastructure, computing, etc. with links for submitting issues
- Expenses Claims, explaining claims process, GTA timesheets
- Procurement, explaining procurement of things (incl. furniture)
- Buying Computers and other IT equipment, for all staff and students
- Travelling including Risk Assessment and Export Control
- Room Allocation Policy for all staff with links to Room Allocation Database
- Academic and teaching Events and timeline of a typical year
- Health and Safety Policy
- Meeting Etiquette for all staff
- Parental Leave and Flexible Working for all staff
- Academic Visitors of staff and students visiting from other institutions
- Display Screen Equipment for all staff & PHD students - Guidance: user guidance - setting up your workstation - If you would like to take the online assessment and request support then please take the test here: DSE Assessment for all staff & PHD students
- Research Resources
- Research Impact Resources (Under Construction)
- Research Ethics FAQ
- REF 2020
- Research Proposal Boiler Plate
- Seminars/Talks
- GitLab Student Project Manager
- Integrating Gradescope and GitLab
- Benchmark
- Information Systems Officer Role
- Green screen studio the Kilburn building studio
- Social media use of social media in Computer Science
- IT related information for staff including how to print
- CS Systems - various systems maintained around the school
- General LaTeX Staff FAQ
- Open source software
- Oracle migration - planning migrating the Oracle database from aardvark.
- Xilinx Zynq
- Wednesday Waggle - some technical notes on
- Teams: how to set up the Teams PWA on Linux
- Whom to Contact (work in progress)
- Examination Guidance
- Electronic Exams
- Academic Advising
- Completing a Unit Specification and Planning a New Course Unit
- Blended Learning Guidance
- Programme Amendment
- Expectations as Course Unit Leader
- Guidance on Coursework
- Assignment Naming Scheme
- Kilburn Clusters
- Preparing for Teaching 2021-22
- Undergraduate Examining Rules ( Previous Version ) (Updated 7/4/20)
- Application of Mitigating Circumstances at UG (Updated 16/6/23)
- FAQ on Academic Malpractice (UG)
- COMP23311:Software Engineering Course Team Information
- COMP28112:Distributed Systems
- Placing teaching materials on studentnet
- Timetable general info
- Expectations as a Personal Tutor
- Expectations as a 3rd Year Project Supervisor
- Expectations as a Lab and Examples Class Supervisor
Admissions and recruitment
- UG Open days
- UG Visit days
- UG Virtual visit days
- Reading list for prospective students
Here is information for PGR Programmes (in case I'm in a Train Wreck):
- PGR Handbook (Full)
- PGR Home (CS Staffnet)
- Regulations & Policies (MDC)
- Code of Practice (MDC)
- PGR Student Index (eProg)
- PGRs For New Staff
- Viva Expenses
- Research Training Support Grants
- Ordering Computers for PGRs
- EPSRC Vacation Bursaries (Internships)
- Internships & Placements
- The PGR Admissions process
- Green Impact Team
- Social
- Wellbeing
- Travel Update
- Outreach and Public Engagement
- Job Advertisement Boiler Plate
- Recruitment processes.
- Departmental Meetings
- COVID-19 FAQ for our students.
- Blended_Learning_in_AY20-21 a collection of resources relating to the development of blended learning.
- Online Teaching this page has useful information about our "emergency" moves to support online delivery.
- SCS Common Room Ideas - Comments & Suggestions
- SCS Courtyard - Comments & Suggestions
- Out of hours document - staff-only version for proposing updates
- Information for staff about 2013 IT changes (now superseded by the IT FAQ page above)
- Timetable changes 2014/15
- Timetable changes 2015/16
- Timetable changes 2016/17
- MATH timetable
- HCI Programme
The COVID-19 outbreak has raised a lot questions, and a lot of information is scattered around many emails. While this is unavoidable due to the fast-moving nature of things, we try to gather information here.
- Return to campus and current guidance on working on campus.
- There's an FAQ page for PGR students and supervisors and some Coronavirus PGR Supervisors Guidance.
- A university summary page with teaching related policy guidance and the university's Institute of Teaching and Learning
- Working from home
- HR has published a staff FAQ and a Guide to HR Operations.
- Would you like to volunteer and have special health/social care skills? There's guidance on this.