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Edit article page

The Newsagent article edit page is almost identical to the compose page. In fact, everything covered in the documentation for the compose page applies to the edit page, and only two new options are added on the edit page:

  1. A new Newsagent Menu AddArticle.png Add an article button is visible in the menu bar at the top right of the page, to the left of the article list button.
  2. A This is a minor edit checkbox is present after the article text. Ticking this checkbox will make the edited article appear in the feed(s) in the same place as the original article. If this is not ticked, the edited article will be bumped to the front of the feed(s). This option has no effect for newsletter articles.

Notifications and editing

When editing an article, Newsagent will try to ensure that your edits do not inadvertently cause duplicate copies of notifications to be sent out:

  • If you edit an article before any selected notifications have been sent, those notification settings will appear in the edit page for the article. When you click "Edit Article" to save your changes, the original notifications will be cancelled and new ones created.
  • If you edit an article after any of the selected notifications have been sent, the corresponding notification settings will be cleared in the edit page. If you really want to send the notifications again, you must manually enable them. However, think carefully before you do this as sending duplicate notifications, even if some information has changed, may annoy the recipients, and may even be ignored; consider editing the article to fix the problems, and then set up a follow-up "Corrections to..." article with notifications set up.

If you clone an article using the Newsagent Control Clone.png Clone this article option in the article list, the article's notification settings are duplicated into the clone and shown in the clone's edit page, even if the notifications for the original article have been sent.


  • gravatar Mbasscp2 [userbureaucratcomp23420editorhandbook-editinterface-adminlabhelpstaff-editsysopPHRhYmxlIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwIj48dHI+PHRkIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwLWVudHJ5dGl0bGUiPkdyb3Vwczo8L3RkPjx0ZD51c2VyPGJyIC8+YnVyZWF1Y3JhdDxiciAvPmNvbXAyMzQyMDxiciAvPmVkaXRvcjxiciAvPmhhbmRib29rLWVkaXQ8YnIgLz5pbnRlcmZhY2UtYWRtaW48YnIgLz5sYWJoZWxwPGJyIC8+c3RhZmYtZWRpdDxiciAvPnN5c29wPGJyIC8+PC90ZD48L3RyPjwvdGFibGU+] ·
  • gravatar Mfsxfpw2 [userPHRhYmxlIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwIj48dHI+PHRkIGNsYXNzPSJ0d3BvcHVwLWVudHJ5dGl0bGUiPkdyb3Vwczo8L3RkPjx0ZD51c2VyPGJyIC8+PC90ZD48L3RyPjwvdGFibGU+]