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On path: Pointers 1: Memory • 2: Arrays • 3: Pointers • 4: Pointer Exercise • 5: Structures • 6: Dynamic Memory Allocation • 7: Malloc Exercise • 8: Structs Exercise
Depends on Memory

Traditionally called a record these are probably known mostly to programmers by the C term struct. They are basically like the data parts of an object in Java et alia.

The examples below use C syntax, which is a bit obscure: hopefully the figure will help to clarify what the syntax means!

Structure figure

In the code, declarations are in black:

  • typedef defines a structure (like a ‘class’) which has some offsets.
  • Two variables are declared:
    • instantiated, which is a record
    • pointer which is a pointer.

The dynamically executed statements are in colours:

  • a new record is created and its address stored in pointer; this address of this record was not known to the compiler.
  • the field p_record of the new record is set to NULL.
    • -> is used because pointer is not the record, it is a pointer to it.
  • the field p_record of the instantiated record copied from pointer.
    • . is used because instantiated is the record in question.

If that’s confusing – it probably is, first time (and second time) through – just go through it slowly. The syntax is not nice, but it does make logical sense. (Eventually.)


If you’re feeling brave, try these:

  • What value is at instantiated.p_record->p_record?

The value is NULL.

instantiated.p_record is a pointer; its value points to the (lower) structure.

->p_record addresses the p_record field at that pointer.

The contents of that field is a NULL.

  • What would happen if the next statement was the one below?
 pointer->p_record = &instantiated;

The NULL would be overwritten to point back at the original (upper) structure.

This would be a slightly odd thing to do, as it links the two records in a circular chain although it has not caused a memory leak as we can still find the dynamically allocated structure. (If we look hard enough!)

  • How could you assign pointer to point to the statically instantiated record?

pointer = &instantiated; pointer (contents) becomes the address instantiated.

Still baffled?

Try this analogy: a structure is like an array but:

  • the elements can be different sizes
  • the indices have fixed names rather than being numbers
  • the syntax looks different

Thus, for a system which (for example) has 32-bit integers and 64-bit pointers:

typedef struct example_type_1
  int first;		// 4 bytes
  int second;		// 4 bytes
  int *third;		// 8 bytes (pointer)
  int fourth;		// 4 bytes
} example;

would (probably) set the following (byte, decimal) offsets:

    field         offset    
first 0
second 4
third 8
fourth 16

Although this is really up to the compiler and it could choose differently. There is no real need for you to know.


example_1.fourth = 1234;

is sort of like:

example_1[16] = 1234;

(except the ‘array index’ has been scaled already to the byte address).

Even a bit more detail!

On the other hand, a naive compiler might leave spaces in the record to align the longer fields. A ‘cleverer’ compiler might pick a reorder from the source code for compactness. See the figure below, showing memory 64-bits wide, for details.

typedef struct example_type_2
  int alpha;		// 4 bytes
  int *beta;		// 8 bytes (pointer)
  int gamma;		// 4 bytes
  int *delta;		// 8 bytes (pointer)
} example;

would (probably) set the following (byte, decimal) offsets:

field (naive) offset (clever) offset
alpha 0 0
beta 8 8
gamma 16 4
delta 24 16


Structure examples

Alignment onto word boundaries – we have a 64-bit machine here – will make memory access more efficient (but this is moving into hardware architecture).

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